Surrogate Sons and Daughters Bill of Rights

Customer First Stance: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will enable any persons to continue to age-in-place in the own home and on their own terms by negotiating and proactively managing the cost, schedule, and performance of all projects and services as requested.

Independence: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will honor “Mom” and/or “Dad” full right to form all decisions and execute as directed.

Respect: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will be engaged with “Mom” and/or “Dad” daily to assure socialization and companionship.

Safety: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will strive to ensure people of honor and integrity are sent to your home.

Punctuality: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will always treat your time with respect. You have the right to expect promptness.

Fairness: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will provide an evaluation of service bids. “Mom” and/or “Dad” will be the final decision maker. Lowest price isn’t necessarily the best option.

Privacy: Surrogate Sons and Daughters will never share your data with anyone. Best practice security systems are in place to protect your personal information. Confidentiality of your personal information is paramount.